Music Rules

  1. General: All the Festival’s General Rules apply to Music classes. Additional rules for Music are detailed below.
  2. Accompanist: A competent official accompanist will be provided. No other will be allowed except for Music Theatre when a backing track may be used if preferred.
  3. Pieces: No competitor may perform a piece with which they have previously been awarded first prize in this Festival. Own choices must be detailed on the entry form, and where there is an accompaniment, a copy must be sent with the entry form. Each piece must be stuck (not stapled) together in a way suitable for the accompanist. On the day of the competition the competitor must bring an original copy of each own choice piece for the adjudicator. Failure to do this will lead to cancellation of the entry. Pieces of music must be collected at the end of the class; any not collected will only be returned by post after the cost of postage is received.
  4. Musical Theatre: All music from shows is subject to copyright law. Songs from shows in current production may be sung as a concert item, with no movement or costume, without need for copyright permission. Where movement or costume is included in a performance copyright permission is required and the Festival committee accept these entries on the basis that copyright permission has been granted. A backing track may be used if wished.
  5. Copyright: The Festival cannot be held responsible for any breaches of the copyright law and it should be noted that copyright regulations protect music works for 70 years after the death of the composer. The Music Publishers Association, however, has issued a Code of Practice on copyright works with the following concession: When an Own Choice Piece is selected from a publication containing several different works and which is not published separately, one copy may be made for the use of an adjudicator at a competition or festival provided that the competitor or participant has already purchased his/her own copy. The photocopy will be retained and destroyed by the administrator of the competition or festival immediately after the event. The permission specifically does not apply to set works. Other items must not be photocopied without the permission of the copyright holder in each case.
    When using music downloaded from the Internet, the performer should also print off and submit the permission statement that accompanies the music submitted with the entry form.
  6. To meet Child Protection regulations, parents and guardians are required to ensure their child(ren) aged 16 and under, while travelling to, at or taking part in the Festival, is under their care or under the care of a legal guardian. In addition, on the day, they must confirm their child is fit and well to perform.
  7. Fees: Entrance fees are £6.50 for each children’s class and £7.00 for each open or adult class. On the day spectator fees are £5 for adults and £3 for children (8 years and above).
  8. All Music and Singing entry forms, with the proper fee, must be received by the Music Co-ordinator, Pippa Kirk, 38 Gregory Place, Lytham, FY8 4SB. Fees are non refundable. The closing date for Music and Singing entries for the 2025 festival is Friday 10th January 2025.