Child Protection

Child Protection Policy (the Policy), including Child Licensing

Lytham Performing Arts Festival (the Festival) is a member of the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech (the Federation) whose Child Protection Policy statement has been adopted by the Festival and is set out here.

Whom the Policy safeguards

The Policy has been formulated to safeguard children and young people. It has also been formulated to safeguard vulnerable adults.

Child Licensing and Parental responsibilities

To be able to hold classes for children, the Festival must obtain a Licence from Lancashire County Council. A condition of this Licence is that all children 16 years and under must be accompanied by either a parent or legal guardian whilst travelling to and taking part in the Festival.

Children between the ages of 16 and 18 years, whilst not covered by the Licence, are covered by the Policy, and whilst travelling to and taking part in the Festival must be under the care of a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult.     

Please note in particular public areas such as toilets, corridors and refreshment areas will not be supervised by Festival personnel.

In Case of Concern

  • each Festival volunteer wearing a lanyard may be approached in case of a problem and the Child Protection Officer or their Deputy will be contactable

  • all problems will be taken seriously and will be documented and dated

  • a private area will be made available where any concerns may be expressed.

Photographs, Videotapes and Press Photography

  • the use of audio or visual equipment, including any on mobile phones, is strictly forbidden.

  • images may be taken by the official photographer and stored as Festival archives to be used at a future date for publicity purposes

  • where parents do not wish images to be taken, then the Parent, Legal Guardian or responsible adult attending with their child is responsible for ensuring that he or she is not included in those images.

The Festival will review the Policy each year.